Sunday, March 17, 2013

In Progress: A Question of Taste, Part 3.

Let's see A Question of Taste through to its completion.

With the body of the piece roughed out, I can turn my sights on making a tiny hanging mobile which will suspend from the fork tines. This one will be made from bronze wire. 

 Readying an element.

 The balance being struck.

 The structure complete. Be sure to join me in my online class in July in making mobiles - Poetry in Motion - to discover how addictively enjoyable it is. (Shameless plug.) More info Here.  Or simply join my Facebook group to get updates about it Here.

After patinating the wire and attaching it to the fork, I go about applying numbers to each of the mobile's paddles.

 I'm using the same page as the lens openings were lined with on the body of the piece.

The numbers being added.

 I drop what I've got done into place so I can have a good look at what's happening. I'm thrilled with the combination of static and mobile elements. Now to find the panel to put behind the mobile.

Running off the piece on a photocopier helps me to design choices at actual size.

 More of the same book cover will be used. This will give the piece a unity from top to bottom, and the decrease in contrast behind the mobile will allow the mobile to sit forward without dominating the composition.

 In place. Now I'll make anchor 'ropes' that will tie onto the two side tines of my little fork. Between the name plate at the top and the thread tying the fork below, it will allow for small movement and increase its strength. Plus, no glue!

 Running the Irish linen through the piece.

Preparing to tie the threads to the fork.

 Now the plate gets screwed into place at last.

 A tiny staple is made to stabilize the handle of the fork and keep it centered on the piece.

 Just about to tap it down into place.

 The original label on the back of the shirt stud box is just beautiful, and offers me the perfect place to sign the piece.

 With the pendant complete, I set about making the cord/chain assembly. No rushing here; I want it to be very empathetic with the piece. I begin by making two very tight and willfilly haphazard kumihimo braids of silk.

 Designing the elements that will bridge between silk and...?

 Readying to cap the kumihimo braids. A fella and his tools.

 One cap complete.

 The other midway through fabrication.

The final part of the hanging element is this stunning little fabric drive belt from an archaic machine. I attach it on one end with tiny upholstery studs.

 The chain and cord complete and ready to meet the pendant.

That does it. It's a unique piece in my output, as it didn't rely on previous pieces for reference. Come check out the finished piece Here, or look into purchasing information Here.

Thanks for joining me - see you here soon - and leave your comments below, I do love reading your impressions!
