Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A New Ring, in-progress: THE ODALISQUE.

Amidst all the new workshops being put together for later this year, I've managed to squeeze some very fruitful time into making some new work in Studio Stuffsmith.

Here's one of the new pieces. It begins as a companion piece to the 2004 ring entitled 'DISSECTION OF A COQUETTE'S HEART.' 

The base of the ring is another broken porcelain teacup handle. After opening the finger hole up a bit, I find a lovely starfish specimen to perch atop the platform. It will be one of my early forays into electroforming. I'm doing this using Sherri Haab's elegant and compact electroforming system, which works like a charm.

The starfish is coated in conductive paint. Now into the drink.

Just after immersion.

 A copper-coated crustacean.

Now to prepare the base. Holes are drilled to strap the starfish to the top. The blue glaze of the cup is spectacular - just perfect.

 A 'pool' is drawn around the starfish, to be recessed into the surface...

Like so.

  Another splash of conductive paint.

  And the tiedown begins.

  Tied and ready for another session of electroforming.

This second coating will strengthen the form as well. The creature is extremely fragile, and I'm delighted that this new technique in my palette lets me feature some of those delicate materials front and center.

  Ready for patina.

  I love how the copper on the bottom fleshes out the countersunk areas of the holes. It also locks the whole assembly absolutely securely.

 Signed and nearly finished.

  In searching for my title, I come across this text and catch my breath. The curled and assemetrical form of the animal is brought out and given an attitude that just didn't exist before being combined with this text. And how appropriate, as well, that the two teacup rings feature a coquette and an odalisque - a fact that I didn't even cotton onto until the ring was finished!  I am fascinated by that intuitive aspect to my process - I'm often as surprised as a bystander by what occurs under my fingers.

To see the beauty shots of this piece:
Click here.

Or, to see it with purchasing info:
Click here.

I hope you enjoyed the journey.